YFS Partners | YMCA DC

YFS Partners

Our important work wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community partners. Thank you! 

Montgomery County DHHS, https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/hhs/ 

Montgomery County Public Schools, https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/ 

Tzui Chi Foundation, https://tzuchi.us/ 

 Maryland Youth Ballet, https://www.marylandyouthballet.org/jumpstart/ 

 Manna Food Center, https://www.mannafood.org/ 

Capital Area Food Bank, https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/ 

Adventist Community Services, https://acsgw.org/ 

Strathmore, https://www.strathmore.org/


The Giving Square, https://www.thegivingsquare.org/ 

Meadowbrook Stables, https://www.meadowbrookstables.org/ 

St Lukes Church (food referrals), http://saintluke.us/ 

A Wider Circle, https://awidercircle.org/ 

Wings of Joy, HOME | wingsforjoy 

CHEER, https://www.communitycheer.org/ 

*Montgomery Collaboration Council, https://collaborationcouncil.org/ 

Story Tapestries, https://storytapestries.org/ 

*LAYC, https://www.layc-dc.org/ 

Create Arts Center, https://createartscenter.org 

*Stephanie Clark/Leaders Institute, https://www.leadersinstitutemd.org/ 

 Cedar Ridge Farm/Cedar Ridge Community Church, https://www.crcc.org/ 

Guru Nanak Maryland, Home | GNFA Gurdwara 

Everybody Wins, Free Reading Programs for Children – Everybody Wins DC 

Silver Spring Cares, Silver Spring Cares 

The Lutheran Church of St. Andrews, About – My St Andrew 

Girl Scouts of America, https://www.girlscouts.org/

Impact Silver Spring, https://impactsilverspring.org/ 

MCAEL https://www.mcael.org/