Darkness to Light | Youth and Family Services | Washington DC

Darkness to Light

We Can Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Long before highly-publicized cases – Penn State, the Catholic Church, Jaycee Lee Dugard – YMCAs across the country have been addressing child sexual abuse. It’s easy to believe that it could never happen to us. In reality:

  • One in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
  • In 90% of those cases, the abuser is someone the child, and likely their family knows and trusts.
  • Most child victims never report the abuse, but it is estimated that there are 39 million survivors of child sexual abuse in America.

The good news is that there is momentum towards change in our community. The YMCA of Metropolitan Washington, Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks and Darkness to Light have partnered to bring the Stewards of Children child sexual abuse prevention training to residents of Prince George’s County. Stewards of Children is the only evidence-based training available nationally that is proven to increase knowledge and change child protective behavior. Our goal is simple: to educate adults on how to recognize, prevent and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Child safety is every adult’s responsibility.

One trained adult can protect an average of 10 children from sexual abuse.

The YMCA is working with schools, daycares, community organizations, faith groups and more to educate and empower community members to keep our children safe. When adults actively seek to make a difference, a cultural change can occur.

Workshops are available upon request. For more information, please email John Degout.

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