Gazetteleader -- Arlington Angels compete in national YMCA gymnastics meet | YMCA DC

Gazetteleader — Arlington Angels compete in national YMCA gymnastics meet

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The Arlington Angels from the Woodmont Center recently participated in the YMCA girls national gymnastics championship and Invitational in Philadelphia.  

Participating gymnasts were Petra Mazzei, Callie Moriarty, Ceci Pollack, Eden Cogert, Olivia Ferrill, Clara Groteboer, Ridley Jarboe, Autumn Jarboe, Violeta Gamboa, Elianna Holod, Hannah Sanford, Margaret Dean, Harper Gilmour, Helena Redpath, Zoe Sanford, Heili Shattuck, Kristen Harrje, Louise Ax, Piper Cannon, Sevi Reid, Daniel DiSocco, Dahlia DiSoco, Eve Kovner, Susanna Bakker, Zurie Chauvet, Elisa Correa, Sarah Dattani, Carrie Ewell, Kenly McAllister, Ruhi Rana, Amara Chandy and Ella Lewyn.  

The festivities began with a senior night when Harrje and Cannon were celebrated for their dedication and success. Cannon received a $2,000 scholarship.  



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