Child Care | YMCA DC

Child Care

In today’s busy working world, many parents still find themselves Googling “child care near me.” However, high-quality child care is becoming increasingly expensive and difficult to find. If you are looking for a child care center near you, look no further than the Y! We offer a variety of child care services to meet your child’s needs.

Early learning or early childhood education consists of programs that provide education outside the home before they attend kindergarten. Early childhood education can help children learn social and practical skills and a love of learning that will stay with them for life.

Early learning is more than simple daycare. It helps children discover healthy living and social responsibility all while boosting the children’s self-esteem. YMCA early learning programs are designed to meet the needs of our communities and the families within those communities with our flexible scheduling.

The Y’s programs for school-age children offer advantages well beyond just the convenience of daycare. Children in school-age care programs learn independence skills in an environment that encourages learning, friendship, and self-expression. Children may even learn to seek leadership roles and learn skills that will help in later life.

Each activity joined, each skill conquered, and each friend made is a valuable gift to carry forward in life. Children are encouraged to make their own choices, such as where and when to eat, and what project to create in an environment that is controlled and safe. Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are learning essential life skills in a safe and nurturing environment.

Located at the Metropolitan Washington YMCA, the Bell Power Scholars Academy aims to reduce the learning loss experienced yearly when public schools close for the summer. Made worse by the extended COVID-19 closings, this learning loss forces each academic year to back up to the prior year’s work before beginning new materials.

Bell Powers offers strong academics and STEM activities to keep your children learning for six to eight weeks in the summer. Let Bell Powers help your children avoid the massive learning loss experienced from extreme breaks in education and maintain their academic achievements.

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