Send a Kid to Camp | YMCA DC

Send a Kid to Camp

The Y’s summer camp programs provide a safe and enriching experience for kids of all ages and backgrounds. Camp offers opportunities for children to develop new skills, build friendships, explore nature, and create lasting memories.

Through your support of the YMCA’s Send a Kid to Camp campaign, the Y can offer scholarships to families with children who wouldn’t otherwise be able to participate.

A donation of any size can make a real difference.

Here are some examples of the impact you can help make:

  • A donation of $945 sends a child to one week of resident/overnight camp.
  • A donation of $335 sends a child to one week of day camp.
  • A donation of $250 helps the Y to provide two partial scholarships for one week of day camp.

Please donate today to help the Y provide an impactful and magical summer camp experience for families with children in our area who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford summer camp.

Your gift will help empower our community to thrive.

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Donation Total: $250.00

Summer camps provide an environment where children can learn and grow outside of the traditional classroom setting. Our DC summer camps promote independence, as children are encouraged to make their own decisions and solve problems. Camps also foster social skills, giving your child the chance to interact with peers they might not encounter in their everyday lives. Moreover, they expose children to new experiences, pushing them out of their comfort zones and helping them develop resilience and adaptability.

Unfortunately, the rising costs of summer camps have made them inaccessible to many families. According to the American Camp Association, the average cost of a week-long day camp can range from $199 to $800, while overnight camps can cost anywhere from $630 to $2,000 per week. These prices can be prohibitive for families already struggling with everyday expenses and can result in children missing out on these valuable experiences.

The struggle for affordability is real for many families, which is why the Send a Kid to Camp campaign is so important to the Y. With your help, children in your community can have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and make new friends.