Tips for Healthy Holidays | YMCA DC

Tips for Healthy Holidays

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Five tips on healthy eating during the holidays: 

  1.  Honor your Hunger. Don’t skip meals earlier in the day to save up for a big meal later, so you can avoid becoming too hungry and overeating.
  2.  Feel your Fullness. Check-in partway through the meal and start to slow down as you feel more and more satisfied, so you can be intentional about those last few bites.
  3.  Build in Boundaries. Plan ahead for eating exceptions, so you can maintain healthy habits in between the occasional celebrations that accompany this time of year.
  4.  Fit in Favorites. Enjoy those special, seasonal foods that you eat only once a year: anticipate eating them, savor them in the moment, express pleasure, and recall them with happiness.
  5.  Seek Support. Find ways to socialize that don’t center on food and enlist friends, family, and coworkers to help you follow through on goals. Collaborate with a nutrition professional on an eating plan that takes into account your food preferences, nutrient needs and chosen lifestyle.

5 Tips to Staying Physically Active During the Holidays:

  1.  Plan Your Workouts Ahead of Time: If you’re traveling, planning ahead can make all the difference. Plan simple workouts that don’t require much space or equipment.
  2.  Keep it Simple: Plan for the worst-case scenario. This may mean exercising in a small space with no equipment and only 10-15 minutes to yourself.
  3.  Encourage Group Activities: Include the family in your physical activities. Plan to go for an after dinner walk or a game of football or soccer.
  4.  Increase Distances: Plan to get more steps in by parking farther from the entrance or take an extra lap around the mall.
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