Turkey Chase Community Impact | YMCA DC

Turkey Chase Community Impact

Every Thanksgiving, the YMCA invites runners from across the regions to come together for a 10k that generates thousands of participants and cheering fans.

It also generates thousands of dollars for community impact funds everyone can be thankful for. With every step runners take, the Y moves one step closer to our goal to lift up whole communities through youth, health, and social responsibility programs.

The Turkey Chase Charity Run originated in 1982 in partnership with the Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rotary. To continue this tradition of striving and giving through Covid and beyond, the Y now offers a virtual 5k run, as well as swimming, walking, and biking challenges so that it’s easy for anyone anywhere to take the first step in strengthening themselves and the local community. Learn more at turkeychase.com.

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