Washingtonian - We Got a Lesson From a Synchronized Swimmer and It Was HARD | YMCA DC

Washingtonian – We Got a Lesson From a Synchronized Swimmer and It Was HARD

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Prior to my synchronized-swimming lesson, I’d imagined something serene: delicate flapping of arms, elegant surface glides, a single leg raised in the air. Then I hopped into the pool at the Silver Spring YMCA. I was there with Vicki Valosik, author of the new book Swimming Pretty: The Untold Story of Women in Water. By day, she does editorial work for Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. (She’s also written for Washingtonian.)

Read the full story here.

To best continue serving our members and the local community, the YMCA’s pools will temporality close for annual maintenance (for various timeframes depending on location) starting Sunday, August 18th, though Saturday, September 7th. Click Here to View the Maintenance Schedule & Labor Day Holiday Hours
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