Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program | YMCA DC

Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring

According to the American Heart Association, nearly half (46%) of adults have high blood pressure in this country. High blood pressure is most prevalent in racial and ethnic minority populations and is often referred to as “The Silent Killer” because there are typically no warning signs or symptoms. High blood pressure is a key, modifiable, risk factor for both heart disease and stroke, which are two of the leading causes of death in the United States.

Research shows that the simple process of checking and recording blood pressure at least twice a month over four months may lower blood pressure in some people with hypertension.

The YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program is designed to help participants with hypertension lower their blood pressure by following an evidence-based program that combines blood pressure self-monitoring, nutrition education seminars, and personalized support.

A Healthy Heart Ambassador will work with you one-on-one to be certain that you know how to correctly and consistently measure your blood pressure. During this 4-month program, you will also learn how to improve your blood pressure through different strategies, including nutrition seminars – we know that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach and we are committed to finding out what works best for you!

Through the four-month program and with the support from a trained Healthy Heart Ambassador, participants will:

  • Measure and record their blood pressure at home at least two times per month, gaining increased awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure
  • Attend two personalized consultations per month with a Healthy Heart Ambassador
  • Attend monthly Nutrition Education Seminars

The cost to participate in BPSM for members is $65 and the cost for non-members is $85. The Y is committed to reducing or covering the cost of the program for members through financial assistance or grant funding for eligible participants, as such, this program is offered for free for all members that are Medicaid recipients who reside in the District of Columbia.

We are offering the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program virtually! If you are interested in learning more about the program and participation options, please call 202-329-7524 or email

How do I know if I qualify?

To participate in the program, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be diagnosed with high blood pressure
  • Not have experienced a recent cardiac event
  • Not have atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias
  • Not be at risk for lymphedema

To register for Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring, please email Anita Dandeker at

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